One I forgot to post from the Borobodur Temple in Java....
I will probably black and white it at some point in the future in an attempt to make it more 'arty'.
One I forgot to post from the Borobodur Temple in Java....
Posted by Sam 3 comments
I have had a couple of requests to do part 2 of 'When Sam Met Lucy', unfortunately I am finding it difficult to find the time. Blogging is very hard when you have to travel for half an hour to the nearest internet cafe.
Unfortunately I now dont have any furniture and/or money. So if anyone wants to donate any of either - let me know.
Posted by Sam 11 comments
Whilst in my old job, I spent quite a lot of time travelling to different places (usually chicken factories in Northern Ireland, or steel foundries in Gateshead). during this time, I became very familiar with dining alone (you gotta eat!). I mention this, as since my arrival in Sydney I have had to do this a couple of times to escape the monotony of sitting in a room with my book, or watching the local, badly tuned in (why are they always like this in hostels/hotels?) television.
I have spoken about this to a few of my friends (and my girlfriend) who are horrified that I do this. They would never even consider going into a pub or a restaurant without someone with them. I even have frineds who won't enter a bar on their own when meeting people, in case they are first. they have to meet outside. 'I always feel sorry for the guys who are eating on their own', is the usual comment.
Dont, is my response. Take one look into the eyes of that guy sat in his suit on his fourth pint of local ale, digging into his Chicken Madras. What you will see is peace.
This is the only time he gets to truly empty his mind, and think about what he wants to think about, such as Steve McLarens tactical mistakes, or whether to get the new iPod touch or not, or whether 50 midgets really would be able to overcome a lion in hand-to-hand combat (a common discussion topic amongst my friends, and one which causes many arguments). Plus he gets to eat what he likes, and drink as much as he wants. The true beauty of it all is that it is usually on company money!
While eating out on my own, I have spent an entire evening in Amsterdam (the only person in the restaurant) talking to the waitress about her children and getting loads of free drinks, I have sampled some enormous steaks in Northern Ireland, and more recently I went on a full night out in Bali on my own (not company paid for might I add), rolling in at 5am, talking with an Australian entrepeneur and leaving after refusing to go on to an after club-club.
But mostly at the moment, I just sit and eat spicy pizza, drink beer and think about Lucy.
So here's to the single diners.
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Labels: No Friends, Random
I stayed in the hostel last night to watch the Australian election results roll in. After 11 and a half years in power, Howard's coalition government has been dramatically displaced by the Rudd Labor party. I don't pretend to know anything about Australian domestic politics, but commentary suggests that it was Howard's lack of 'contemporary' policy which lost him the voters, and in particular a couple of larger issues including lack of action over climate change.
As a country so dramatically and obviously affected by climate change in areas such as water shortage and in effects on Australian national institutions such as eucalyptus survival, and damage to the Great Barrier Reef (advice is see it while you can), and for a country with such a reputation for environmental beliefs, I always found it strange that the Australian government had not ratified the Kyoto protocol. And it seems that Australian people (particularly the young)were somewhat confused by this also:
While setting up a new bank account with a local Sydney branch, the lady going through the application noticed my new job title "Climate Change Consultant". She enquired what it entailed, and I politely informed her that I went out to factories and large companies and provided advice to them in how to reduce their carbon emissions (mainly through energy efficiency and good management techniques). She asked me the very frank question "how do you think the Australians stack up against the rest of the world?" I gave her the honest answer of "I haven't got much experience of Australia yet, but I think they are around 5 years behind the Europeans". She went into a long monalogue about her frustration at the governments refusal to ratify Kyoto and take action on climate change - frankly surprising me with her understanding and concern for the issues.
Watching the elections and the commentary on the political mood of a nation, the Australian attitude reminded me of the British popular opinion of two years ago. For all of the faults of Blair's government (mainly with respect to foreign policy), Blair spotted this change of popular opinion some time ago, and begun to initiate change (though you might question how successful it has been). Howard did not, and he paid with his job (and his party paid).
Blair has managed to put in motion some political reforms and has presided over the implementation of a number of emissions 'cap and trade' schemes including the climate change levy and the EU emissions trading scheme. And he was there at the inception of the renewable transport obligation and climate reduction commitment (that the British people will hear much about over the next 5 years or so). Personally I think more investment should have been made into capital grants schemes, and into improvements in planning policy to favour renewable energy schemes. Professionally however, the inception of these trading schemes have meant massive workloads for consultancies such as the one I work for.
So one of Rudd's election promises here in Australia has been the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Which means that if my experience in climate change and energy consultancy over the last four years are anything to go by - the company I am about to go and work for will experience a massive rise in workload over coming months and years. Which is pretty significant, as it appears to me that it is the only reputable large company in Australia to be undertaking these types of projects.
In order to see the other concequence of the Australian government change on climate change politics cast your eyes on the linked map.
So I wonder. Will Bush heed the story of Howard and pay more attention to 'contemporary' politics? I wonder if Howard's story will be repeated on a larger scale.
Though of course Afghanistan hasn't ratified yet, so why should America.
Posted by Sam 4 comments
Labels: climate change, Politics, Rants
Ok, so here I am in Sydney. I have learnt a large number of lessons in the last three or four days, largely through doing some extremely stupid things. So here is my guide to moving country (to Australia) based largely upon the things that I DIDN'T do:
Well thats that off my chest. I am off on another wander to try to find somewhere to live. will keep you posted.
Posted by Sam 2 comments
I am as a general rule, easily amused. I was browsing through my camera and found that I had quite a few which had amused me:
Yokyakarta: How about a refreshing bottle of sweat?
I also saw an amusing one with "Please do not enter the temple if you are menstruating", (with all due respect to religious traditions) it made me chuckle a little...
I am laying out a challenge to see if anyone can top these (internet downloads not allowed)?
Also I have managed to upload a limited amount of new photos. I will post these soon...
Posted by Sam 0 comments
Labels: Amusing Signs, Random
Last week we undertook the three day ascent of the second highest peak in Indonesia (Grunung Rinjani) which is essentially a massive dormant volcano with a large 5km crater lake at the top, and a smaller (active) volcano within the lake. The summit of Rinjani reaches up to 3,726m with the last 1,000m be largely volcanic ash, rocks and other crap which you have to scramble over in a two steps forward 1 step back fashion.
The second day was an eleven hour slog beginning at 3am with the final ascent, our guide was a 28 year old who said he had climbed the mountain at least 350 time over the past 10 years. His calves which were the size of a small country served to emphasise the point.
Posted by Sam 1 comments
Was what our guide said at the moment we were about to disembark for Komodo Island. "Surely he means stakes right? Like a harpoon or something?" was my response as we had just watched a documentary on the Komodo dragon (in which it shown to be able to bring down a buffalo!)
No joke - these Komodo dragons can get absolutely huge at way over 6ft long and with shoulders larger than a mans (the scale is hard to get accross in the photos). They secreet deadly bacteria in their saliva and the guide at Rinca island informed us that a dragon had recently killed and 8 year old local.
This explains why Pete was somewhat aprehensive as this dragon made a bee-line for him (of course the ranger was there with his stick). the rest of us saw it as a perfect photo opportunity however.
Komodo Island rounded off a pretty cool 5 day boat trip in which we finally managed to get away from busy towns and cities and hawkers and see some countryside, stopping at desert islands, small villages and some spectacular reefs (although one of the coral reefs on the return journey escaped with half the skin from the top of my foot) around the islands of Lombok, Sumbawa, Rinca, Flores, and of course Komodo.
As you can see the scenery was rubbish:
We made some good friends on the trip (who hopefully we will keep in touch with). And got some pretty good sunburn.
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Posted by Sam 5 comments
Labels: Indonesia, Lombok, Magic Mushrooms
Posted by Sam 3 comments