Friday, 7 December 2007

The Importance of Being Bald

About a year ago, I was on a staff night out with my boss (a very interesting character - I may post on him later), when we got into talking about ages. I vividly remember him saying something to me along the lines of "you've got plenty of time to get some more experience, what are you? 28 years old?". At the time I had to remind him, that I was in fact 25, and that in fact he had seen my CV and  therefore should know my age, and that in fact we had been working together for three years and he should know it anyway, and anyway - do I look 28?!

Since then I have never been able to figure out whether being mistaken for a much older age, is an insult or not. In a professional capacity, I guess it is not all bad - people assume you have much more experience than you do, and they give you a lot more respect than perhaps you deserve. 

On a personal level, it is much more insulting. Such as when I first met Lucy's friends, and they said to her afterwards "Wow, we cant believe you are going out with such an older guy", to which she replied "Not that much older - how old do you think he is?". Turns out they thought I was well into my 30's!

"It is because you are so much more mature and grown up than them" says Lucy. 
"Its not fair!" I squealed and ran up to my room, slamming my door.

The reason this has entered my mind is because of a conversation I had with an engineer at the steel works near Montreal, I was working at today. 

Engineer: "Do you have kids?"
Me: "Nooo!"
Engineer: "You don't sound too keen o the idea?"
Me: "I'm way too young for that kind of carry on!"
Engineer: "What are you? 35?"
Me: "A little younger than that!" Embarrassed to give my real age in an effort to not lose respect.
Engineer: "Oh. I'm 35. I guess you look a little older because you ... err ... shave your head"

(Actually I didn't make that last comment. But I am sitting here wishing I did!)

I know they say that baldness comes from your mothers side, but they all have a full head of hair, and my Dad is bald as a coot. My theory is that some past member of my dad's side of the family sold his soul to the devil and his descendants are still paying the penance in hair loss!


Whit said...

I had a buddy in high school that was already losing his hair big time. Now that I think about it we were pretty big dicks about the whole thing, but he was a sport and it came in handy that he could buy us all beer.

Yes, I'm talking about beer again.

Anonymous said...

Damn that family curse.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a good thing. I get fustrated as no one takes me seriously at work because I look young.
Though one good thing is that I look like I've bagged myself a sugar daddy!

Anonymous said...

But I wan't bald at 28

Sam said...

Im 26!

Even my own dad!!