Saturday, 12 January 2008

Nice Man from Nigeria

I was looking for a new flatmate this week, but luckily a nice man from Nigeria has emailed me and told me that he wants the room at any price, and all I have to do is give him my bank details.

Flatmate - done.


Yaniv said...

For a low fee of $500*, I will protect** your identity from Nigerian scammers. I accept paypal.

* per month
** results may vary

Anonymous said...

I think you should stick with Britney the blonde who cooks naked.

Sam said...

RTC - Scammers? No. I think he was just looking for somewhere to live.

The Nurse - Ah now you have assumed some kind of identity. I am afraid that Britney has now sacked me off and is no longer my friend. It looks like a guy called Blake now