Friday, 29 February 2008

Good News Indeed...

If you visit this place regularly, you may have noticed a link (amongst many of my other defunct links) which doesn't work entitled 'Buy T-Shirts and Contribute to my Mates Beer Money'. 

This was an enterprise undertaken my one of the former members of the gang, we will call him 'The One That Got Away'. 

We lost contact when we were around 17 and he went off to the 'College of Knowledge' which was the name we gave to the local Tech, whilst most of the rest of us went to Greenhead. He was a good lad, but got involved in some shady stuff and ended up moving away to Manchester which was a real shame.

Anyway in recent year he has returned, and we've had a few beers together. Its amazing how quickly you revert to old ways after not seeing one another for nearly 10 years. You spend your youth developing your sense of humour with those who are around you at the time - and that connection never really goes.

I was in contact with him earlier this year, and it turns out he has a new enterprise:

You have no idea how much this excites me because, the idea of discount beer is much more appealing than discount t-shirts (although I will accept a t-shirt too if someone is willing to give me one). And also - the restaurant is literally less than 80m from my mums house! So the stumble to bed will be an easy one!

The only problem is that in order to make the 30 hour trip from Sydney to Holmfirth worthwhile - I would have to skank approximately 400 beers!

Here is the link if you are interested (as usual it doesn't work):

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