Sunday, 30 March 2008

Unwelcome Guests

Its 5.30 in the morning. I have been up since 4am. This is partially due to my jet-lag, the fact that I slept all day yesterday, and fear of getting up too late and missing my meeting in the morning. But it is also partially due to my most unwelcome visitors.

When I first arrived in Sydney, an English girl at my work explained about her home situation "I deal with the roaches and my boyfriend deals with the Huntsmans spiders". 

"I don't have any problem with these" I said - to which she replied - "You will!".

At this point in my ignorance I thought they must live in some kind of hole of a house, bathing in their own filth. Or else they are out in the country somewhere that the insects can easily get into the house. I have since been round there and that is hardly the case.

I recently went to another friends flat who had a 3rd floor luxury apartment in Sydney's desirable Darling Harbour. It was night and as he switched o the lights. I saw tens of little roaches scuttling for cover. He said that you just have to live with them as you cant get rid of them.

My tactic thus far has quite different and has been one of total annihilation. We 
recently had a bit of a problem in the kitchen. I saw one of them and it ran away, I thought nothing of it A couple of days later I went in at night and about 10 of the little b@stards ran down the back of the fridge! A healthy dosing of insect repellent later and we seemed to have solved the problem in the kitchen ... the problem in fact seems to have relocated to my bedroom!

Just before I left for the UK (literally minutes) I caught a couple of the critters on the back of my Mac (which was at the time generating a fair bit of heat as I was attempting to rip Hudson Hawk to my Ipod). I had no time to deal with it in my usual fascist manner which worried me over the two weeks I was away.

So to cut a log story short, the other reason that I am up blogging at 5am is that several times over the night I have felt the little buggers crawl over my back! This is not helping my disrupted sleep patterns...


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Ok, you've officially grossed me out. One roach on my back and I'd be on a plane back home.

Yaniv said...


Take the garbage out daily. Sweep your floors often. Lay bait traps everywhere.

Unfortunately, unless your neighbors do the same, you'll never be rid of them.

Anonymous said...

Glad you got back safely. Remamber they don't bite, make lttle mess and one day will take over the world.

Anonymous said...

You better get rid of them by the time I get there! I will flip if they craw over me.

Haven't you seen that X-files program where they get under the blokes skin. yuck yuck yuck.

We should move!


Anonymous said...

Hudson Hawk is absolutely classic.

"would you like to swing on a star"

Anonymous said...

Ok, everyone else comments on the grossness of cockroaches running down your back and Dan says "hudson hawk - cool!"

Oh well. I remember the time we had trouble with fleas when we got the dogs, and I almost ended up rocking in a corner. Dan had to 'bomb' the house before I could sleep. He wasn't allergic to the bites, just me of course.

Funny how our concern for the environment stops when there are little blighters to DESTROY! Sorry, I mean humanly remove.

"...carry moon beams home in a jar"

Sam said...

Jeff - I havent told the one about the spider on my flat-mate's face yet.

Rattling - their appearance seems to be unrelated to the diyness of the flat. I think it might be somethign the neighbours are doing.

Pa - And they eat all the rubbish.

Lucy - I'll bring some home just for you.

Dan - Hudson Hawk is actually rubbish. But in a funny way.

Kerry - The environment should keep itself outside of my flat.

Whit said...

Dip them in chocolate. I hear it's a treat in some countries.

Anonymous said...

I think its about half way down this page ... that I list all the reasons I don't want to visit australia, and i didn't even get to mention the fact that australians live there.

Anonymous said...

Moxkpilsildooalak [URL=]kindle features[/URL]