Monday, 7 July 2008

Night and Day

Tonight, I am stranded in a little hotel room in the middle of Melbourne, having to stay another day with work as some measurements that we were taking went a little bit wrong today and I have to go back tomorrow.

Lucy is sitting alone in the flat bored and with no friends (if you know where we live, dont break in though - she has a gun, honest), and I am sitting alone in my hotel room ... bored and with no friends.

I have no picture to post of Melbourne. I have nothing specific to say. I think I will just ramble on about the city a little from my (limited) experience...

Melbourne is a pretty common destination for Brits who decide to migrate here. The Aussies joke that it is because the crappy weather reminds them of England. I think it runs a little deeper than that.

Melbourne to me is the night where Sydney is the day.

Sydney is kind of the beautiful but airheaded surfer chick. Stunning to look at but with not much underneath, a lack of culture.

Melbourne is the slightly uglier grungy type. Not so pretty, not the popular one at school, but when you look a bit deeper, full of intrugue and promise.

Melbourne suffers from none of the strict liscencing laws I previously took issue with in Sydney, on Sunday night we went to a bar (I forget the name) that was essentially an old cargo container covered in graffiti surrounded by crates for sitting on. It was a blooming refreshing. Not a suit in sight.

I think I could spend a long time exploring its ways. Its back alleys are covered in cafe's and bars, the people are multicultural and interesting and even the tourist spots have their charm.

I still couldn't see myself here though. I (we) have kind of come to the conclusion that living anwhere that it takes more than 20 minute to drive to some form of countryside is not for us. We find really large cities stifling and a little uninteresting to be honest. Bring on the Peaks!


Anonymous said...

Hi buddy. me n lou are in south of spain at the moment and are enjoying 40 degree heat and lots of sun.just had a quick catch up on your blogs and lovin the beard (looks a bit like a guy called juan who gave us coffee yesterday). Are you n lucy still coming to the sunny steel city? you said you were returning earlier than you thought, got any dates yet? also, what school is lucy interviewing at?
adios amigos

Sam said...

Ah - will be doing some sunning myself shortly.

Yes to Sheffield

Yes to about start Sept

Will let you know about the school