Sunday, 8 March 2009

Overpriced Cinema

Every time I go to the Cinema at the moment it seems that there is somebody at the screening hell bent on trying to ruin my enjoyment. 

I went to the Hyde Park picture-house some time ago and remember a girl in the row in front putting her wooly hat over a particularly annoying lamp (which are located down the side of the cinema walls. Without the girl noticing, the hat proceeded to catch fire (being as lamps have a tendancy to get hot and that) and send a significant amount of smoke into the cinema. It actually went very on fire and was just a bit of rag really by the time I told her and she took it off.

While that was just funny, the last two times we went to the cinema in Meadowhall we have had a gang of lads smoking and running around in the row in front of us and an overzealous group of girls sitting next to us laughing ridiculously loudly all the way through the showing which managed to annoy everyone in the entire screen. And its not as if the cinema is a cheap night out anymore with tickets costing 6.50 (and then there's the extortionate drinks and food).

Which is why when we got to our 6.50 seats at a late showing of Slumdog Millionaire last night  we were doubly dismayed to find first that the only seats left were the ones at the front (you know - the ones that give you neck-ache and a headache)  and then that we had been seated next to a young couple - with a 3 or 4 month old baby! That bad enough on a plane, but who brings a baby into a movie about violence and life in the slums of India at 10 o'clock at night??

Luckily it appeared that one the movie got going the shear volume of the cinema speakers managed to drown gurglings and protestations of the young child. I was surprised (according to Lucy) the girl in the seat next to me managed to breast feed the baby without me even noticing (not that that should be a problem).


Arjan said...

at the current Pound to € rate..we pay even more.
Last night I paid 7,75€ and that was with student discount. Last summer I paid 9,5€ for Dark knight (although it was worth it).

Anonymous said...

I can't remember the last cinema visit I made, there have been some memorable ones, but I can't remember the last one.

Having a police officer friend who can "obtain" the latest releases before they're even released helps a lot though.

Sam said...

And thats why I cant afford to go to Holland.

So thats what happens to lost property!

Arjan said...

pfft cinema's aren't a must visit overhere.. (although we dó have a cinema that's called 'mustsee' with all kinds of variations inside like: mustdrink, musteat etch for the parts where you can buy food and stuff.)