Friday, 13 November 2009

On Hobbys


I was driving back from a business trip in London a couple of days ago with a work colleague of mine. We are both grumpy Yorkshiremen so we like to have a good moan and a whine when we get together. We usually put the world to rights through a strange process of mutual agreement and re-enforcement of each others views. A communal re-enforcement of views which is experienced by many men when left together with no supervision. Thats pretty much how wars start.

I think in that trip we solved all of the UK's problems relating to energy security, social housing and planning law in the space of only 3 hours which was good work. Next week we plan on tackling world peace and creating a Windows operating system that works. 

Our discussions turned as they usually do, to generally complaining about women and specifically that our women folk have the cheek to be different from us and to hold opinions which are not directly in line with our own.

We agreed that generally, the source of all of the issues which our women have (or we generally have) is rooted in their lack of a hobby. You see, men can't really get their head around how many women can get by without having any particular interest in anything. 

And more than that, men can't understand how, if women do have a hobby - they often aren't particularly bothered about being any good at it. They just don't care. If men have a hobby, they have to be the best at it, whether that is getting as many blog comments as you possibly can, or having a faster car than all of your mates, or going to the gym more than anyone else you know. We all feel we have to have a niche skill in something. Its in our nature.

By way of example, my colleague is obsessive about music and spends his weekends perusing record shops, attending hi-fi conferences or inspecting the home-made insulation on his specially converted garage sound-room. Whereas I spend my weekends in the gym, climbing or galavanting around hills somewhere (also obsessively).

We thought about this for a while and something struck us. What do our other halves do as soon as they get home from work? What do they spend their weekends looking at and what do their evenings revolve around.

The answer .... crap TV.

Both of our partners are completely obsessed with crap TV. Whether it be crap reality TV, crap talent shows, crap cooking competitions, or Kirsty and Phil helping Gerrard from Staines find the crappy 1 bedroom flat of his dreams - crap TV rules both of our homes. Lucy even likes to watch 'wedding TV' and more surprisingly 'wedding TV asia' which even my colleague thought was weird.

I have to say though, one programme in particular is the bane of my life. It serves absolutely no educational purpose (as some of the above may be argued is some bizarre roundabout way, to do), it is dragged out to lengths I cant even contemplate (one episode spanning an entire week), and I can't even bear to be in the room when it is on. Sound familiar?

Yes its 'Come Dine with Me'.

Basically if you haven't seen it, it involves a group of complete misfits who are never in a million years going to get on together, cooking for each other and generally falling out and providing mild entertainment of the worst variety. Actually that sounds a bit like Big Brother doesn't it?

Its on ALL the time.


I can't criticise 'Come Dine with Me' too much, for one reason. A bunch of friends and me (The Lawyer and The Nurse) have decided, with out girlfriends, to recreate the show in our houses using a video camera and everything. 

We were first this week. I have to say it was a little stressful as I am not too keen on people judging my Chicken Udon soup.  With actual pieces of paper with scores on and everything.

I am sure I will post the video up when it is all edited together. 


Anonymous said...

Amen to all of that, here is a very typical Mon-Fri evening in our household when the three females gather around the TV set...

Coronation St
Coronation St II

Just so you don't have to check that is Mon to Fri, 6.30pm to 9pm, every night, every week.

Here is my schedule during those periods...

Listen to music
Complain loudly

Lucy said...

ahh men! What you don't realise and can't seem to fathom is that women may be watching tv but we have the ability to multi-task. So we are watching we are also writing a shopping list, deciding what to cook for dinner, sorting out something for work, or having a chat!
Men and their simple minds!

Arjan said...

agreeing to the men's pov.
It's common knowledge among Dutch men to avoid being in the same room with women on a tuesday night with a tv that's been switched on. It's a whole evening of crap tv.

I do know some women who complain from time to time that they're bored..and when I mention that next to finding a man *me or someone else..depends of course* they should get a hobby, they react like I've just uttered an alien word.

Pa said...

Come Dine with Me is not as bad as Stricly Come Dancing. Toni is addicted to it. She records that Saturday night progamme to watch on Sunday evening. This has ruined my Sundays. There is over two hours of elderly greaseball Bruce Forsyth lording it over a screaming whooping audience, a bunch of so called celebrities, a panel of moronic judges whose votes count for nothing and a programme which prolongs every boring detail.
To make things worse there is a bloody programme about the programme every night at 6:30

We may be only recently married but I'm investigating this addiction as grounds for divorce!

Ali said...

I'm with Lucy on this one, unsuprisingly! I LOVE Come Dine WIth Me.
One worrying point - Ste quite likes it too, and Strictly Come Dancing. I think he's getting gayer by the day.

bon bon said...

ouch. another hobby men have? generalizing woman.

being in the US, i'm unfamiliar with all of those programs, but i could probably guess their american equivalents would reality shows. yes? your "strictly come dancing" is most likely our "so you thing you can dance". if this is the case, let it be known that i (being of the gentler sex) am not a fan. most programs watched in our home, are enjoyed by both sexes:

30 Rock
Venture Brothers
and our one reality-type show,
No Reservations (with Anthony Bourdain, a chef who travels the world, eating)

there are a handful of other shows, but in a nutshell, our tastes are pretty similar. when my son has control of the tv, we often get sucked into things like Mythbusters, Man vs. Wild, or something on the history channel about ancient Rome or whatever, but we don't normally seek these out. he also watch tennis in season, but no other sports are viewed or cared about in our home. we'd much rather rent a good movie, which again, we rarely have to argue over because i'm not one to want to see sandra bullock in anything.

as for hobbies? photography, blogging, flickr, my dogs, researching my family tree, cooking and baking take up probably three times more of my life then television.

so there. suck on that.

i probably should've just blogged all this myself and referenced back to you, instead of taking up 8" of your space, huh. oh well, too late now. ;o)

Sam said...

@ Jerrychicken. Luckily she is not really into soaps. I dont think she has the time in between episodes of come dine with me.

@ Lucy - you never cook dinner or go shopping or do any work so you must be chatting.

@ Arjan - Sounds like this is an international issue.

@ Dad - The remote control is the cause of 90% of the arguments in our house.

@ Ali - Steve couldnt possibly get gayer could he?

@ Bon Bon - That fine, at least now I dont have to write a blog post for a while.