Friday, 7 May 2010

You Bugger I Voted For You!

This whole election malarky has turned into a bit of shambles for me. Last night Lucy went to the polling station in Ranmoor 9 (part of Nick Clegg's constituency in Sheffield) at around 9 o' clock. The queues were right down the street. Lucy only managed to get in to vote because she was a 'resident' and in an area afflicted by students, she managed to jump the queue. 

She was locked in the polling station at 10pm along with a bunch of other people, whilst the poor sods left outside in the rain caused a bit of a ruckus (and to be honest I am not surprised). The police were involved and Nick himself came down to apologise to the voters.

This video on the BBC website shows the problem, the first people interviewed are at my polling station, just down the road for me.

Nick also sent me a nice flyer a couple of days ago which told me 'Labour cant win here'. My constituency is essentially a Tory or Lib-Dem battleground. I voted Lib-Dem purely in an effort to keep the Tories out. Now I find that Nick is talking Tory alliances! 

You bugger I voted for you.

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