Saturday, 19 April 2008

Pommy Baiting

Australia is a very outdoors and very active city. As such they have a large number of National Sports including Rugby Union, Rugby League, Australian Rules Football (though nobody seems to know the rules to this), and Cricket (though nobody seems to know the rules for this either).

However by far the most popular sport in Australia appears to be 'Pommy Baiting'. Basically Pommy Baiting involves the ritual and systematic 'bagging' of the Limeys by the colonials (most of whom's parents or grandparents were british though they like to cover this up). 

Most Pommy Baiting revolves around our inability to take the sun. We are known to sit out there for hours and turn interesting shades of red. Other hot topics include sporting prowess (cricket, rugby, whatever the British or English may have lost at recently), and beer drinking ability.

The reason I am raking all of this up though, is that the Aussies are currently showing this pretty funny ad for Bundaberg Rum:

A classic display of Pommy Baiting.


Anonymous said...

Bloody bastards

As if they let polar bears into air traffic control. Surely that must be against health and safety

Anonymous said...

Ey up mate. Thaz been in t'oz too long cuz I din't get owt tha just said. So get tha sen back to sunny ol Yorkshire!

Arjan said...

hehe damn funny.
There are more funny adds in the tab when you're done viewing the one you posted :)

Anonymous said...

There's a reason that we won't drink any of that piss that passes for alcohol in Oz.

Its starts, "Once upon a time a barrel of Castlemaine XXXX found its way to England..."

Anonymous said...

Fine people the Australiana. Hand picked by British judges.

Sam said...

Dan - Theres blooming polar bears everywhere over here.

The Nurse - eh?

Arjan - Funny in a kind of an 'if you're not British' kind of a way

Jerrychicken - If you think XXXX is bad you should try the Bundy rum

Pa - Good point except for the fact that I am a descendant