Sunday, 13 April 2008


I have hit a strange kind of time in my life right now. Aside from the moving to a different part of the world thing, I have started to have a bit of a change in priorities around what I want to do with my time.

I spend a lot of time working (more than I ever have before), and hang around with work colleagues more than I should (given that I have few friends in Australia), which isn't too bad. Whenever I am not working I am exercising like a demon. I have kept up my cycling regime and I have upped my average to making it to work about 3 times a week on the old pedal power. When I am not cycling, I am in the gym or at the climbing wall (Sydney is a very active city).

What I have lost desire for, is going out drinking! At first I though it was age which made me not want to go out to the bars with my American flatmate. I always seem to have an excuse as to why I can't go, that I am tired or something. Recently I have realised my lack of desire for socialising is because it is less fun than it was. Partly because I have none of my old mates here, and everything is a bit of an effort. But mainly because I am really missing my partner in crime!

I always enjoy myself more when Lucy is around. She is an absolute bundle of fun (and the most important thing in my life), and I just see going out spending money and trawling the Sydney night life as a bit of a waste of time (and money) when she is not around.

Maybe a couple of years ago, I would have enjoyed going out chatting to people, getting to know random folks a bit more. I still do from time to time (mainly with my old UK friends), but I can't be bothered to do the every weekend thing any more. There is only really one person I want to talk to.

Its around 6 weeks until she gets here (depending on whether I can persuade her to get an earlier ticket). This is our third 8 week spell apart (and the last one), but it is getting more and more tortuous and more and more like a waiting game. Like everything is on hold.


Anonymous said...

You big soppy bugger

Deb said...


Anonymous said...

You just made me cry!

I miss you so much and I can't wait for it to be 'Lucy and Sam' again.


Jeff and Charli Lee said...

I can see why you're so sodden... she's purty :-)

Arjan said...

I hope you get through it.
But hanging around with colleagues is socializing too.

Sam said...

Yes she is purty. I didn't photoshop, honest!