Wednesday, 21 May 2008

ETL (Estimated Time Until Lucy) - 17 Days

In the absence of anything interesting to write about or any interesting way in which to write it, I thought I would give you a blow by blow account of all the things that I have been up to. Don't worry - if you get bored just fast forward to the comments section and write something generic like 'sounds great!' I don't mind - honest!

So on Friday it was my birthday. We headed out to the Opera bar. You can see the pictures on my Flickr account linked at the side of the page. I am the skinhead stubble ridden one that you are slightly attracted to (in case you dont already know me). Here is me having oh so much fun!


On Sunday I went for my first ever Windsurfing lesson obtained for free from the rather attractive gentleman shown in the green top in my birthday photo. For me, windsurfing involves the consumption of a lot of seawater and on this occasion involved a serious blow to the head and one scary moment when I slipped over and one foot went either site of the mast. Other wise good.

Windsurfing = done.

I have also been preparing for Lucy's imminent arrival. I cleaned my sheets last month and this month I plan to vacuum the carpet. Next month I plan to kick out the Yank in the spare room. Its a ritual cleansing.

I honour of her landing, today I acquired a partner for the 'Silver Bullet' as shown in the picture below. I have yet to name it, but I am thinking maybe 'Bill' or 'John'. Lucy's belated birthday present. Its done a good 10 or 12 km with me today and rides pretty smoothly.


Anyway, I have to go now because I have to get up at 4.30am to watch the Champions League Final (stupid time difference) and need my sleep.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sam!
Are those road bikes? Road bikers are scum - go get yourself a propper bike!

Sam said...

Thanks Ali.

Road bikes yes! I am working my way up to a proper bike.