Sunday, 4 May 2008

Iron Man is Rubbish

Went to see Iron Man last night. It was absolute rubbish.

Only joking it was really good. Just wanted to see how many bloggers I could enrage.

On another note:

Just read that Boris Johnson is the new mayor of London. Whats next Krusty the Clown for Prime Minister!?

I dont know - you leave the country for a few months ...


Anonymous said...

At this rate the tories will be in by the time you get back.

Not good, not good at all.

Verity and Mark said...

How is it going in Sydney?

we are by some volcanoes in the north of nz and its pretty wet. At least it just rains in Sydney - none of that worrying about getting lava'd to death.

I thought Boris Johnson had quit politics and was just doing comedy shows and stuff? Obviously not.

Anonymous said...


I saw the latest post link on your comment over at QYDJ and rolled my sleeves up for a grumble.

So you got me completely!!!

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Your brother already gushed enough about it for the both of you. I'm off to see it tonight with my boys. Can't wait!!!

Whit said...

Saw it. Loved it. Wish I had stayed after the credits. Stupid cat bladder.

Sam said...

Dan - If the tories are in I might not come back.

Verity and Mark (I guess Mark) - Lava'd to death would be a good way to go. Wouldnt you have to walk pretty slow though?

Lee - I thought you might be one of the ones straight on to that!

Jeff - let me know how it goes.

Whit - I missed a portion about half way through because of the best part of a litre of coke.