Saturday, 2 August 2008

George is Back!

Anyone remember my little post about George? No?

Well as a little reminder George is this guy who goes to all of the climate change and energy talks around Sydney and heckles the speakers with the same spiel about a petition signed by 30,000 scientists proves that man made climate change does not exist.

Well this week George made it big!

I was watching this excellent ABC talk show  online today. The speakers are all working in and around the climate change field, although the premise is that they can be asked any question on any subject. If anyone wants to get a bit of a background on climate change politics in Australia, then give it a watch.

When 11 mins and 42 seconds in, our old friend George (or at least I think it is him) pops his hand up and asks a surprisingly familiar question / comment (I am beginning to wonder whose payroll he is on) . Watch how the talk show host bats away his comment without breaking stride.

Interesting panel guests on the show include:

Penny Wong - Impressive minister for climate change and lady of the moment. Basically everybody at my work watches her every move, translating comments and interviews into advice for clients.

Tim Flannery - A scientist, and guy I very much admire for his straight talking and sense. I reviewed his book in a past post here. And would recommend that anyone looking to learn more about climate change give it a read.

Tim Wilson - Random unknown pillock.

Malcolm Turnbull - Loves himself a bit too much and needs to cut back on the fake tan. Liberal politician (Liberal basically means right wing in Australia for some reason). Plays devils advocate.

Catherine Harris - Runs my local grocery store chain. Makes a lot of sense.


Yaniv said...

That was entirely too polite for my American sensitivities.

Sam said...

I will try to make my next post a little more offensive.