Sunday, 5 April 2009

Big Announcement: New Addition to the Atkin-Hughes Household!

This weekend Lucy had some very big news. Something she has been waiting for for quite some time, something that she has really wanted. She has been waiting with baited breath for these results for ages. Kept awake with anticipation ....

...unfortunately the news was bad so we went out and got some cats to cheer ourselves up:

Cat 1:


Cat 2:


We picked them up from a cat rescue place today. They both came from a household with around 15 cats whose owner apparently 'cannot cope' - unsurprisingly!

Lucy fell in love with Cat 1 who was pretty adventurous and bolshy when we were at the centre. I liked cat 2 which I think may develop into a bit of a lap-cat. 

Cat 1 is around 6 months old and Cat 2 four years. We originally wanted a single kitten, but I feel a little better that we have rescued some cats that might have otherwise had no-where to go.

We may need to work on the cat names a little. Once thing is for sure - we are not sticking with their original names ("Missy" and "Babes"). 

So, if you are reading this, feel free to post some suggestion names for some female cats. I am all for calling one "John" as I think it would be quite funny, however I appear to have been vetoed on that one.


Anonymous said...

Gordon would be an excellent cat name, even for a female one, especially for a female one.

John is also good, you should put your foot down.

Arjan said...

'your' cat looks like a/the MADcat.
the younger one..don't know..

Pa said...

I thought you wanted a dog!

Sam said...

Jerrychicken - Basically I think that any kind of mundane human name applied to a pet is hillarious. I was also considering 'Mike' or 'Neil' or 'Andrew' - all funny.

Arjan - Is this MAD magasine? I cant really remember the cat.

Dad - yest I still do want a dog, but until I get a job in which I can take my dog with me, I dont see it happening.

Cats are like self-sufficient aloof and snobby versions of dogs.

Deb said...

My husband named two of the cats that we've owned.

First cat = Pig

Current cat = Rabies

Dan said...

Don't get a dog Sam, wait until you have kids and then decide if you want one. trust me.

Sam said...

Debs - I really like 'rabies' as a name. I may save that in case I have kids.

Dan - Not going to happen any time soon. Dont worry.