Saturday, 25 April 2009

Its Competition Time!

Its competition time here at RCWR!

Unfortunately there is nothing to actually win. Except of course my respect - and let me tell you, that i worth more than 'real' money!

Upon perusing some of these old photographs I have been going on about, I began to realise that much of the time, I couldn't actually tell who the photographs were of (except when the names were written on the back). This may, of course be because my Mum appears to have thrown a few ringers into the box. Photos of people who are not actually of my family, nor have I ever met - just there to confuse me.

So I thought I would pass the challenge out to my readers to have a go and see if they can do any better than me.

I have provided below, three relatively recent photos of my inferior siblings and myself:

The challenge is simple. See how many of these good looking mugs you can match up the relevant childhood photos as shown here.

Happy hunting...


Dan said...

Hasn't megan got a lot of wrinkles. And that's an old picture too!

I know, but mainly because of clothing, which is strange as I can's see us not having hand-me-downs.
I shall leave my guesses for a while in order to let others have a go.

Arjan said...

those scripts and knowing you just a bit make me choose for 3, 4, 6 and 9 being not you.
Oh and 8 is Chucky trying to look as mean as Dan, óbviously.

Sam said...

Dan - There is actually a ringer in there that I'll be surprised if you can get. Its weird when you look at old photos and recognise clothes that you havent seen for 25 years!

Arjan - Two of those are wrong I am afraid!

Megan said...

I love the way we are all wearing what looks like the same stripey jumper!!

Dan...dont be commenting on my wrinkles...I never started this war...I am just getting caught in the cross fire

Sam said...

On that basis, Chucky could have been a Hughes.