Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Ho Hum.

I have made the decision that I really need to get back into this blogging malarkey. Its been a hectic 12 months, but hopefully some of that should be dying off and I should have some free evenings again.

That job I wasn't sure I wanted - I took it, and we are even looking at buying a house at the moment (though a major issue is the fact that I am the crappest negotiator ever to grace this earth).

I thought that in order to get hings going again I would have delve into my Flickr account for any photos which I have stashed away and could use. Then I had a minor heart attack when I found out all of my photos were missing! Thank god it was just my account expiring and I can recover them - otherwise I may have cried.

Here's one of the boys standing on the top of a via ferrata route we did in the Dolomites in May. A little too dark to see faces, but still I like it:


Hopefully I will be around a little more from now on!


Arjan said...

I thought I might've lost a ton of photo's too, but then I remembered I backed them up on dvd's. Really bad for your heart indeed.

Jeannette said...

Looking forward to seeing more of your photo's but this climbing thing of yours still gives me the "eeby jeebys".

Sam said...

Arjan - I have them backed up in two places now!

Jeanette - maybe you need to get out there on a rockface and see what it is all about?