Sunday, 31 October 2010


We may have come face to face with some real ghosts this weekend. Or at least, if ghosts did exist, they would be sure to hangout at the place we stayed last night.

This weekend we went down to Lea Hall, in the heart of glorious Derbyshire. Yes, its a bit far south - but I promise you it looks a lot like the north, so it is probably worth a visit!

Lea Hall was the childhood home of Florence Nightingale and so had some proper history and that. The rooms were fantastic and Lucy got this rather shadowy shot of the bed which I like:


(the toblerone you can see was a present to me, and lasted approximately 2 hours)

The reason for this visit was the 6 year anniversary of us getting together. I didn't reveal to Lucy where we were going until the blooming sat-nav gave the game away when we were about half a mile from the house. I probably made a mistake by hinting that passports may be required for the weekend. This may have potentially led to a problematic heightening of expectations. It was a damn good weekend though!



Lucy said...

It was a lovely weekend! Lea Hall was beautiful. Thank you so much for organising it, it was a great surprise. Happy Anniversary!

Jeannette said...

Archie & I didn't used to make much fuss of our wedding anniversary (4 days before Christmas and 4 days after Neil's birthday - money was tight) until our 25th - and now we are making up for lost time. Belated Happy Anniversary to the two of you and here's to many more.