Following our little cat related mishap a few months ago, we decided that our current cat (who has always been around other cats) needed a new playmate as to be honest she seemed to spend more time around the neighbours house with their cat than she did at ours.
So we went back to the cat rescue place that we had been to previously. After some embarrassing questions about what happened to poor Beau, I asked about whether they had any discount card programme as because we seemed to be visiting so frequently, I thought we should be entitled so some kind of reward card. You know - like get 3 cats for the price of two or something.
Apparently this is not the way it works, and actually you are supposed to keep your cat for 16 years or some such period of time.
I jest of course, but we did feel that we could house another rescue cat and provide some company to Ripley. They had a couple of cute cats, nay kittens there and we fell for a four month old tabby called 'Dude'. 'Dude' had been dumped at the shelter by 'some Chinese guy' possibly (as we later found out when 'Dude' came home) because of 'Dudes' psychopathically violent behavior!
So Dude came home with us and quickly became renamed as 'Lenny', though I was all for 'Hicks' as I thought 'Ripley and Hicks' would have been quite a cool combination.
Unlike when we brought the cats home previously, Lenny was in no way nervous. In fact he settled straight into a routine of systematically attacking any exposed human body part at any given moment, with no regard to etiquette or accepted rules of engagement.
So much so that when Lucy lets the cats into the bedroom at night (aww they get lonely out in the corridor) Lenny will spend the entire night sitting on the pillow, attacking my face and arms, and god forbid, should you stick a foot out from under the covers, it will quickly end up with a cat-shaped attachment!
The only night I have managed to sleep this week was when I went on a business trip to Scotland. The only one who is not too bothered is Ripley, who will deal Lenny a simple head blow should he get too boisterous.
Anyway I am in danger of being one of those annoying people who talks about their cat all the time, so shall end this post.
Lenny launches a surprise attack from the TV cabinet
The devil cat plot its next move...
that last pic is Lolcats worthy.
I do not "dig" cats, I am a dog person, I let Jake out this morning and he chased a cat out of the garden and he barked, he barked for the first time this year, that dog has the right attitude to cats, I too would save my bark all year and use it on a cat.
A neighbour recently went on two weeks holiday and left me to feed their three cats, I asked if they were leaving a key, they said no, the cats would just live outside for two weeks, and so they did, and sometimes I fed them and sometimes I forgot, and the cats didn't care - if that had been Jake he'd have been crying at the back door for two weeks and he'd still be sulking at us for leaving him.
It's my first time here and I enjoyed this post about your samurai cat. I can't wait to hear more about him. I'm sure you will have lots of fun with him. See you around...
Arjan - Not sure I know Lolcats but may check it out.
Jerrychicken - I am also a dog person too.I was co-erced into being a cat owner. However I am pretty sure if we locked them outside, they would just move in next door.
TGSW - Nice to have you here!
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