Saturday 1 September 2007

House of Ivy

Its been a while since I was last living with my mother - back in the undemployed days. Since then I have worked out that I have lived in a grand total of 7 houses. That, my friends is a lot of moving house!

The contract is up on my current abode and I am therefore going back to Holmfirth to stay with my Mum for a month or so until I ship off. Lucy packed her bags and sailed this morning to her new house in Manchester and am left behind to say a final farewell to the city of Leeds after 8 brilliant years of living here (some of the best of my life), and farewell to the best shared house I have evel lived in (I stayed for a full two years!!) . the chances are that I wont live here again as it seems that on my return a move to the wrong side of the pennines may be called for.

Anyway, there are a number of plus sides to this:
  1. My mum will probably do my washing
  2. My mum will probably cook some of my meals
  3. My mum will probably not make me pay any rent... hopefully.

Due to my departure, I have dedicated this post to some Ivy house memories (and I know there are some who read this blog who have some Ivy house memories, so I am urging them to comment). My favourites have to be:

Paartay! Some of the best parties ever. Taking serious toll on the living room carpet.

The Rammakin Challenge (and cups). I was going to do a dedicated post on the rammakin challenge, but as my parents read this, I am still unsure as to whether I can overcome the shame. We dont play rammekin challenge anymore as the last time we played, my mate's girlfriend succeeded in winning three times in a row, but then passed out down the side of the house. There was an ambulance involved which I am pretty ashamed of (though I am told it wasnt wholly alcohol related).

Lazy Sundays In the garden with a bottle of rum and the Howards.

The Howards I was never short of a magasine to read with the car obsessed Mr Howard. Seen here in his usual weekend getup.

Living with Lucy Though I have to say the worst thing about Ivy House is living with Lucy's mess (Lucy - I was tempted to put the one up of you dressed as a "spider").

Visits from Kerjinger and the boys No matter how many time I told him I didnt want to, we always ended up going out. Despite exposing himself to Lucy and hurling burger meat around the kitchen, we always let him come back.

1 comment:

Judi and Chris said...

Just found your blogsite - had to smile about your living with Lucy comments - we are the experts!
Hope you have a super trip!