Every so often I like to sneak a quick blog post in about what I do for a living. Basically I work as an energy consultant, pretty much with the end users.
Here goes: I help out large industrial and commercial clients with engineering, systems development and change management on all aspects of energy efficiency and renewable energy project implementation. This tends to be in utilities, heavy industry and large scale retail sectors.
I have also been known to undertake climate change related work in policy advice, compliance, purchasing and even 'shudder' carbon offsetting (don't get me started on that).
For some reason, this means that when people ask what I do, I generally have to field large numbers of questions about whether I am a tree hugger and my opinion on two weekly bin collection. From a surprising number of people who I have known for a long time.
People have also been asking my many, many questions on the Copenhagen summit. I have to admit to them that, although I have read many articles on the subject - I am not keen to enter into debate on the subject.
This is not because I don't think its important, I think its very important.
It is partly because I don't feel like many of the people I talk to in my every day life really understand the issues (understanding appears to have been getting fuzzier due to the emergence of more powerful pressure groups in the last year or so distorting the issues), but its mainly because I am really not interested in the politics, bullshit and woolly target setting that is involved - being of the opinion that long term energy security should be reason enough to pursue these policies.
I much prefer to be at the actual implementation end. Making things actually happen rather than talking about it (this is why I left my last job).
However, I did find a very excellent blog on CiF on the Guardian website from one of only 60 individuals who was party to the 'behind closed doors' discussions that went on in Copenhagen. I can't rave about it enough and hope that it gets reproduced in other media across the world.
And hey - this is one article where America comes of pretty well!
Thursday, 24 December 2009
A Great Post (not mine)
Posted by Sam 0 comments
Labels: climate change, Rants, Stuff on the Internet
Monday, 21 December 2009
Another Year
In the absence of anything exciting to write about this week - bar the usual misery around another year passing me by and feeling like I all but missed the noughties (surely it was only just 2000?), I thought I would post up some pictures of some walking in the snow that Lucy and I did this weekend.
Posted by Sam 0 comments
Labels: Photography, Tramping, Walking
Sunday, 6 December 2009
A few different people have mentioned to me recently that they love the changing of the seasons, and in fact it is one of the best things about living in England.
Posted by Sam 3 comments
Labels: Photography, The Peaks, Walking
Saturday, 28 November 2009
Treading Where Millions of Photographers Have Trodden Before
Blogging has been on the back burner recently due to the ridiculous amounts of work I have had to do. For some reason they expect me to go in every week day from 9 till 5! This only leaves weekends, evenings and lunchtime in which to blog. Its ridiculous. I am going to complain.
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Friday, 13 November 2009
On Hobbys
Posted by Sam 7 comments
Labels: Lucy Smells, Rants
Saturday, 31 October 2009
5 Years
On Sunday, it will be five years to the day since I first met Lucy. We celebrated by going away to the Spa town of Buxton for the day and aimlessly wandering around. Lucy then forced me to rediscover my artistic talent by making me do pottery painting. Which to be honest - wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!
On our third anniversary I was somewhere in Indonesia, and took some time out to write the story of how Lucy and I first got together (you can see part 1 and 2 here and here).
This year I thought that I would put pen to paper and describe our first date, lest too many years pass and I forget what happened...
It was 2004 and I was living in a house in Chapel Allerton in Leeds with my friends Stu, Mark and Robb. I had taken a few days off work and Mark and I had spent some time pretending we were students again.
Lucy and I had met a few days before at a tacky night club and I had done the uncool thing ant text her straight away the next day. Despite not following the correct delayed contact procedures, Lucy had agreed to meet up with me in a bar called the Arc close to Headingley.
Initially I was to go to her house and pick her up in a gentlemanly fashion, however her housemates (who at this point thought I was 40 years old - their memories being a little hazy from the club), advised Lucy that I shouldn't come to the house being as I was probably some kind of serial killer and plans were changed.
However, the main reasons I wanted to meet her at her house was that, embarrassingly I wasn't sure if I would be able to spot her straight away in a crowded bar. I changed tactic and decided that the best way around this would be to get there extremely early and stand by the bar, not catching anyones eye and staring straight ahead so that she would have to identify me. I sent her a text stating 'I am upstair at the bar' to put my plan in place.
Lucy apparently read the text whilst standing outside getting moral support from one of her friends from home. She finally plucked up the courage and came inside. I think I gave up my wall staring and turned around and looked just as she was walking up the bar. She looked amazing.
If I remember correctly she was wearing a kind of low cut green top that she had borrowed from one of her housemates, with a suitable short skirt to match. She was full of smiles, life and laughter. I recognised her instantly and my first feeling was pride. I was proud that I had managed to bag such a good looking girl the previous week, despite being barely able to stand up!
We exchanged pleasantries and I bought her a drink. I remember going to sit down in one of the booths near the corner. I think we were both nervous, but nerves affected us in different ways. Lucy tends to talk a lot and I tend to go quiet.
Lucy exploded into a tirade of questions 'sowhereareyoufrom?' 'whatdoyoudoinyoujob?' 'doyouhaveanybrothersandsisters?' 'whatkindofmusicareyouinto?' barely leaving me time to answer each one before moving on to the next.
We had a few drinks and both quickly calmed down and began to enjoy each others company. This is where Lucy spinned the largest lie she has told me during 5 years of our relationship. We were discussing music, and Lucy told me she was into all of these great bands and it turned out I was into the same bands too and we had so much in common!
Later I would discover that actually she likes 'Kelly Clarkson' and 'N-Dubz'.
We drank quickly and decided to move to this fancy new (at the time) basement bar next door called Trio. We began to really enjoy ourselves and I began, even at this early stage to realise I loved Lucy's company. She ordered shots as if to ease the nerves just that little bit more. I forget what they were, they could have been B52s or something similar. Probably cost us about £20 (in those days I didn't have a lot of cash). But I had decided we were going to make this a night to remember as soon as I had realised how much I liked being out with her.
We then decided to go to another of the new bars in Headingley by the name of 'The Box'. Similar in style, this place was generally full of Rugby players (and not proper rugby either) swilling lager and singling songs and I usually avoided it.
It was a couple of hundred yards away and we walked side by side along an empty back road to get there. I remember extremely clearly my heart jumping up into my throat as I decided grab Lucy's hand and hold it as we strolled along. She made no objection and she squeezed my fingers making my heart race again.
I can't remember what we were drinking in the Box, but I think we were in there for a while. She sat on a stool while I stood, listening to her talk. Watching her lips move and watching her smile. All I could think about was that I wanted to kiss those lips, but that I was such a gutless wimp that it was unlikely to happen.
I decided to go to the toilet (I am not even sure if I needed it) to gather my thoughts and pluck up my courage a little. I walked straight back out and straight up to her and reached for her face and kissed her. I was nervous about what her reaction would be, but it was good. In fact it was really good. I still think about it now.
I held her by the hand and exclaimed that we were getting a taxi into town. We went to some more bars, my favourite club in Leeds, 'The Hi Fi' (though we decided it was too loud and left) and a place near the corn Exchange, which I think was called Jakes Bar. I think it was the most fun I have ever had with a person on a night out.
We stayed out until past 3am (something which doesn't happen so often anymore!) and I bundled her into a taxi and said goodbye, having one of those 'singing in the rain' type moments, walking away, practically clicking my heels.
Happy in the moment.
I am not sure I believe in love at first sight, but I definitely knew that day that Lucy and I were a perfect match and would be together for some time. And I knew that I could definitely love her.
Which I do. Very much.
Posted by Sam 5 comments
Labels: Lucy
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Financial Security at Last!
This week Lucy got a new job as an Assistant Clinical Child Psychologist or some such thing. This has made me immensely happy, not just because she can now pay her half of the rent, but also because its pay back for a massive amount of hard work.
3 or 4 years ago, she had left university with a fairly average degree. Actually it was a sociology degree ... sociology apparently having something to do with studying the inside of a pub. It probably wouldn't be too much of dis-justice to say that she was a little unfamiliar with hard work.
She was going from temp job to temp job and was devoid of direction, she had ideas of working in jobs in accountancy and HR and was encouraged towards them, but deep down she knew she wasn't suited to them. Like all graduates - at this stage she thought she would just walk straight into an amazing graduate job straight off the back of her 2.1 in sociology. She once said to me, 'I would rather get some graduate training than do a masters degree', I replied 'I did the masters degree to get on the bloody graduate training!'
Then one day she had an epiphany.
All her life she had wanted to be an educational psychologist, but didn't think she was good enough and thought the road would be too long and hard. But then she decided she was going to do it.
She enrolled on a masters course in Educational Psychology in Manchester and had a hard year working while I was out galavanting in Australia. Then she made it her goal to get on the PhD to become a psychologist. She learnt sign language, undertook volunteering, worked in a primary school where she pro-actively trained staff on psychology, set up interventions and obtained funding for one of Sheffields pioneering 'Nurture Groups'.
She had trouble with interviews and failed at the last hurdle on previous on previous job applications and in getting on the PhD course (a lot of psychology jobs an the PhD have up to 200 applicants). But she took on interview training, practised and practised and even did hypnotherapy for interview confidence. And eventually it all paid off! She is not on the PhD yet, but now she has her dream job, there is no hurry.
Everyone around her, friends and teachers in her school are telling her how jealous they are and how they want her job. I dont think they realise how much work it took. My advice to them is that they need to get of their backsides and do something about it like she did if that is what they want to do.
I am very proud.
Posted by Sam 4 comments
Labels: Lucy
Sunday, 11 October 2009
This Can Only End Badly
After a really good day at my sisters wedding, about which I will post at some point in the near future - I got up super early to speed on up to the lake district for some climbing.
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Labels: Climbing, Photography
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Top 10 Movie Characters
Lucy is currently doing her hypnosis CD which is supposed to alter her mind so that she is no longer hungry and stops eating when she is full. If I have calculated this correctly, this should give me just enough time to respond to a meme in which my brother tagged me sometime in July. It was top 10 movie characters of all time (in all honesty, this will probably be the top ten movie characters I can think of right now):
Posted by Sam 4 comments
Labels: Meme
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Random Review: District 9
Lacking money or imagination, we went to see District 9 at the cinema last night. I have to say that it was brilliant. I was very surprised, being a Lord of the Rings geek, I had a preconception that Peter Jacksons films were bursting with effects but lacking in story.
Posted by Sam 4 comments
Labels: Random Review
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
As mentioned in my previous post, I managed to sneak away for the weekend to Lake Placid in the Adirondack Mountains following a trip to a factory I am working at, close to Montreal.
Posted by Sam 5 comments
Labels: Canada, Joseph Salmon Trust, Tramping, Travels, Trekking
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Depending on the Kindness of Strangers
I always thought that Yorkshiremen were a fairly kindly breed, pretty generous in terms of acts if not with their money. Definitely more kindly than those sour faced Londoners. However, today I was faced with a level of blind generousity I have never seen before.
This week I am back in Ontario Canada for work, stuck in the same old hotel I have seen many time before. The difference between this trip and previous ones is that this time I am determined to make a little more of this opportunity to travel.
I decided to take the weekend out here to go down to Lake Placid (of oversized alligator fame) and do some hiking in what I have been promised is spectacular autumn scenery.
This is all on the back of recommendations made by the guys I am working with over here. You cant beat a good loca recommendation.
Everywhere I have been in the world - when I have spoken to locals about the places to go, eat, and things to see - the experiences have been ten times better. Which is a bit of a problem for me, as I cant usually be bothered to speak with people.
Except this time, I was offered not only advice on where to go, but the lend of a car and a big stack of camping equipment. The guy who I hardly knew was going to lend me his car to take across a national border! I would lend my best mates my car (I barely let Lucy drive it).
Unfortunately I am British and therefore unable to accept hospitality of this nature and have consented only to allow him to book me some rental camping equipment upon arrival.
Posted by Sam 5 comments
Sunday, 6 September 2009
All I want is a decent nights sleep!
Following our little cat related mishap a few months ago, we decided that our current cat (who has always been around other cats) needed a new playmate as to be honest she seemed to spend more time around the neighbours house with their cat than she did at ours.
Posted by Sam 4 comments
Friday, 28 August 2009
Insight into the Mind of an Eight Year Old
When I got hold of those old photo's from my mum, which I scanned into my mac, with which I attempted to embarrass my brother and subsequently managed to lose all of due to a hard drive failure, I also found a few of my old text books.
Posted by Sam 1 comments
Labels: Childhood Memories, Tales, The Artist
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Notes from a Small Island
We got back from our Cyprus adventure last night (or early this morning). I am not a massive fan of Cyprus I have to say.
Posted by Sam 3 comments
Labels: Cyprus, Photography, Travels
Friday, 7 August 2009
Hours of Fun
I am soon to be off the blogging circuit for a week or two as I am heading off on holiday, first to Cyprus and then to Wales for a week of sun followed by a week of rain to cool my sun-burn.
- Loosen your cheeks and shake your head from side to side as quick as you can
- Take a photograph of yourself
- Hold amusing props such as fists / cricket bats / beer bottles close to your face
- Repeat for approximately 5 hours until you get a good photo
Posted by Sam 5 comments
Labels: Random, Riga, The Lawyer
Monday, 3 August 2009
Losing My Right Arm
I havent actually lost my right arm. What I have lost however is my Mac hard drive, all of my photos, all of my music, and all of my videos at the end of a pretty unsuccessful fortnight in the household (in which i had my sat-nav nicked, lost out on a job at work as well as the whole cat-thing). It did feel like my right arm.
It is for this reason that there has been no communication from me on the Hadrians Walk, little blogging and very little commenting. Wordpress, blogger and flickr have been blocked at work, and I have been confined to Lucy's virus infected tortoise like PC.
However, I have been to the Genius Bar at the Apple shop which I have to say is fantastic, you can say what you want about Apple trying to take over the world, but they do have a unique approach to customer service. On their recommendation, I have bought a 500 gig (non-apple) internal hard drive.
Screw you failed hard drive - now I have a hard drive five times your size! Ha!
Now I find out how much of my stuff I actually backed up properly.
Posted by Sam 6 comments
Labels: Goddamn Computers, Rants
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Meet the Neighbours
I've been meaning to post this for a while, but the week before last we attended the Eden Project Big Lunch. Essentially the idea is that on Sunday the 19th of July, as many local communities as possible, would gather together and have a kind of 'getting to know each other' picnic.
I was sceptical at first, telling Lucy that 'I already know loads of people I dont have time to keep in touch with - why do I need to know some more?'. I protested. She made me go.
Actually it was pretty good fun. We live in a new build house in the grounds of an old mansion which has been converted to flats. The mansion appears to come complete with quite a few curtain twitchers, which I was concerned would lecture me about parking my car accross the big 'keep clear - no parking' sign as is my want. Contrary to that, we were informed that anyone can park there and that as the only renters we hadn't found out because our landlord had neglected to tell us.
I ended up meeting the old dean of a major university as well as a high court judge (who informed us that our favourite restaurant is actually a front for a Thai marajuana dealing operation). We made friends with some of the people that live in the terraces next to us. A friendship that we put to good use when they had to store our dead cat in their garage for a day last week.
the main concern really is that we were the youngest people there by a good five years. Ok Lucy was the youngest person there by a good five years (I was borderline fitting in). They all had kids or were pregnant, or had grandkids so far as I can tell!
Anyway. I have discovered that it is good to know your neighbours.
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Saturday, 25 July 2009
What Made Me Laugh Yesterday
Lucy and I were making our way to Blockbusters last night, knowing we had a fine to pay and arguing about whose fault it was as we couldn't remember. After deciding on our rentals (which is a lengthy process involving much negotiation), I asked the guy at the counter:
Posted by Sam 3 comments
Labels: Random
Monday, 20 July 2009
A Cat Called Beau
Every day when Lucy or I come home from work, we come in the door and Beau is there to greet us. She rolls on her back straight away and demands her belly rubbing (she does this a lot). Lucy picks her up and carries her around the house, I tend to swear at her and tell her to get out of my way.
Posted by Sam 9 comments
Saturday, 18 July 2009
The Rock Star's Tribute to Michael Jackson (Latvia Style)
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Labels: Riga, The Rock Star
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
On Latvia
I have just got back from a 5 day trip to Latvia and am now in recovery mode. At the moment this involves trying to de-tox by drinking water and eating celery, though this is not working so well...
Posted by Sam 1 comments
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
Goodbye John.
When I was traveling to Canada a lot for work back in 2006-07, I worked with quite a character called John.
Posted by Sam 0 comments
Sunday, 5 July 2009
I Have Found a New Hero
I am not the kind of person that usually looks up to anyone. I hate our celebrity culture and if someone asked me who my hero was, I would rally struggle for an answer, possibly citing Tim Flannery of some ageing rock god.
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Labels: Cool Stuff, Politics, Stuff on the Internet
Saturday, 4 July 2009
There' Something Weird About this Recession
A recession is a time of hard graft, where everybody just gets on with it and tries to get out the other side without losing their job / house / business beer allowance. Its a time when everybody is grim faced and resolute. The sky is grey, its always raining, and old episodes of 'Cheers' are on repeat play on the TV.
Posted by Sam 4 comments
Saturday, 27 June 2009
I Don't Wanna Move! (throws toys out of pram)
Our landlord called us up this week. To be precise the tight bugger texted Lucy asking her to call him up. He is thinking of moving back to Sheffield and may want his house back. I don't want to move!
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Monday, 22 June 2009
A Discovery on Team Names
Whilst undertaking the mammoth Three Peaks Challenge yesterday (after which, I am thoroughly exhausted and have contracted sun-burn so ridiculous that when I take my shirt off, it looks like I am wearing a white T-shirt), my newly recruited team-mates and I got to discussing our team names (Bandicoot and Oscelot).
Posted by Sam 26 comments
Labels: Team Bandicoot
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Some Training for Bandicoots
I am sitting here with a not insignificant headache, trying to keep my eyes open after driving back from the Lake District. Two potential members of Team Bandicoot took Lucy and I scrambling up 'Jacks Rake', a short route very close to a part of the Cumbria Way a few weeks ago.
Posted by Sam 5 comments
Labels: Hadrians Walk, Team Bandicoot, Trekking, Walking
Wednesday, 17 June 2009
Team Bandicoot Update
Its kind of a little pointless writing this as the majority of my limited readers (limited in number, not in their reading ability) are also readers of my brother's site over at All That Comes With It so will probably be aware of what I am about to write.
Posted by Sam 6 comments
Labels: Hadrians Walk, Joseph Salmon Trust, Tramping, Trekking, Walking
Sunday, 7 June 2009
I am back home finally now, and I am working hard to keep my eyes open as I work up the energy to go to our regular Sunday nigh pub quiz. I thought I would take this half hour of opportunity to post up the last of my photos from the trip - Parliament Hill in Ottawa which I visited on the way to the airport - and another Charleston Lake photo, which I have my eye on for an extended canvas.
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Labels: Canada, Photography
Friday, 5 June 2009
Pleasantly Surprising
Just finishing up work for the week, sitting in my hotel room contemplating what to do tonight.
Should I go to the cinema alone? Should I go to a bar ... on my own? Or should I just give in and buy a massive pile of junk food on expenses and eat myself stupid in the hotel room? On my own.
This is my fifth work trip to Canada (I think), mainly Ontario, but I have been to New Brunswick once. It is the only trip I have taken outside of the winter... and I have to say it is an altogether different experience!
One can do things such as 'going outside' or 'walking somewhere' both things I enjoy doing very much which were previously not possible. I have also located the nearby gym and made friends with a guy from my client's site who invited me around for dinner. All very pleasant.
In the spirit of trying to make a little more of my business trips these days, I went out to a local hiking spot the other evening to practice some photography and am planning a little jaunt into Ottawa tomorrow.
I liked the reflection off the water on this one:
Charlston Lake, Ontario, Canada
Posted by Sam 0 comments
Labels: Canada, Photography
Sunday, 31 May 2009
Just Bumbling Around
I have arrived in Ontario a day before I have to start work and I have been determined to make something more out of my foreign work trips than I usually do. So I hopped in to my ridiculously small hire car, made even more amusing by the fact that everyone else is driving trucks, and drove down to the nearest place mentioned for walking in my Canada Lonely Planet.
The lucky location was "Land 'O' Lakes" (whoever named that place was obviously from Yorkshire). I went armed with my DSLR camera, but quickly found out that for some reason it had rejected my memory card so I could only store around 15 pictures on the internal drive.
Also my work laptop doesnt have any facility to edit photos (well actually thats a lie, I just couldnt be bothered to figure out how), and those swines in IT have blocked Flickr access recently (though for some reason have missed Blogger). Oh the trauma of communication!
After acquiring a map from the provincial park centre (which looked a little like Huddersfield public toilets) I spent the first part of the 12km walk wandering around thinking that the scenery could just be straight out of a Yorkshire woodland. Apart from the effing massive dragonflies that seemed to be everywhere of course.
Just when I was tutting to myself, thinking that this Canada place was nothing special. In fact it was a little like the wood at the back of the house I grew up in. I was startled by a startled deer (startledness all around)!
This is normal fayre in the woodlands of England of course, in fact, due to my chronic unattentiveness, usually I dont spot the deer and somebody has to point it out to me ... then they have to spend several minutes explaining where the damn thing is in reference to that there Sycamore tree in the distance ... then they have to describe what a Sycamore tree looks like ... then maybe I will see it.
But, there was no missing this bugger. Oh no. Thats because it was the size of the 310 double decker bus to Homfirth. Ah so thats the difference between England and Canada. Size.
I couldnt catch the damn thing with my camera, despite the fact it was in my hand at the time (the camera not the deer). But it was around this bit somewhere:
I spent the rest of the walk looking out for bears and suchlike, and panicing about various strange insects landing on me, in much the same way as I used to do with the spiders and cockroaches in Australia.
Posted by Sam 3 comments
Friday, 29 May 2009
Out of the Frying Pan, into the Damp
On Tuesday I got back from my walk along the Cumbria Way with my Brother Dan, Craig (who I will from henceforth refer to as "The Walking Binliner", as he wanted a special name) and several other of their friends. I was going to post something up here about the delights of trekking through the Lake District, but I think Dan pretty much has it covered. Besides which - since my accident with my camera a few weeks ago, I am unable to easily take photographs and have no visual record of the event.
Posted by Sam 0 comments
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
A brief pause...
It been a little while since I posted on the blog. I put this down to the fact that I just bought the classic collection of Sharpe on sale from HMV, 16 or so of which they are. Each 2 hours long.
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Labels: Tales, Video Posts, Walking
Monday, 11 May 2009
No. 4: The Pennine Way Part I
- Take 1 trouser pocket
- Add 2 packets of boiled sweets of your choice
- Add 10 gallons of rainwater
- Walk around a lot
Posted by Sam 4 comments
Labels: 40 Things to do Before I am 40, Tramping, Trekking, Walking
Thursday, 7 May 2009
A Letter to 16 Year Old Sam
I got back from my 6 day Pennine Way trip on Monday. I plan to write a long illustrated blog post all about it, however due to an extreme downpour on Pen-y-ghent (note: that linked picture is the first I have seen of Pen-y-ghent as I couldn't even see it when I was on it!) my camera got soaked and I am still a little afraid of turning it on in case it hasn't dried properly.
So I have chosen another subject - whilst perusing the guardian online, I came accross this article. A letter written by Stephen Fry to his 16 year old self, in response to one that he wrote 35 years ago addressed to his future self.
Whilst Fry has focussed his letter on understanding teenage emotion and past and present attitutes to gay rights. I began to think to myself - at the age of 28 (which I turn next week) what kind of practical offerings of advice would I give to my 16 year old self. I can think of quite a few:
- Over the next 10 years or so, you will slowly come to realise that you hate night-clubs. You hate the music, the sweaty people, the freezing queues, the groping and the sticky floors. This will take you a very long time (and a lot of night club entry fees) to find out. Save yourself the hassle (and money) and dont bother going.
- In around June 1999, when The City Worker tells you not to dive into the pool with the big sign saying 'no diving' because it is dangerous. Take his advice (as much as you dont want to) as this will save you years of dental hassle.
- Your hair looks stupid and greasy. Shave it off! Unfortunatey you will go bald eventually as you had suspected, but shaving it now will mean that less people notice. However, do not bother shaving your face as the last 11 years have taught me that it will only grow back again.
- Bet on Greece to win Euro 2004. You will get extremely good odds!
- Study something at school / college / university that will actually lead to a job. Yes this means that you will have to get off your arse and go to the school careers centre (which, incidentally - you will not do for the next 10 years) and do a bit of research. But it is onyl half an hour!
- On a fateful day in 2002 the Nurse will dare you to down an unknown drinks cocktail in the Courthouse. Do not, I repeat do not drink it. Bad things will happen!
- It turns out that playing with metal figurines will not make you popular with the ladies as you had previously thought. I suggest you either abandon your geeky habits or at least keep them to yourself when in open conversation for the near future.
- It also turns out that in order to be popular with the ladies, you have to talk to them. I realise that this currently goes against everything you have ever stood for. However I can truly recommend it.
I think that whole 'no regrets' thing is a pile of tosh!
Anyone else want to take up their own list?
Posted by Sam 2 comments
Labels: Rants
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Its Competition Time!
Its competition time here at RCWR!
Posted by Sam 5 comments
Labels: Competition Time, Old Photographs
Friday, 24 April 2009
Kinder Scout
Just a few more days to go until we do the 6 day section of the Pennine Way on Wednesday.
- I have generally been at work
- If it is sunny this week when I am at work, the 28th law of sod dictates that it will pee it down next week when I am hiking across hills and camping.
Posted by Sam 0 comments
Labels: 40 Things to do Before I am 40, Photography, Tramping, Trekking, Walking