Thursday 14 June 2007

Rabbit Confused with Raisins

I feel it necessary to offer reasoning for the naming of my blog, the purpose of which is to keep everybody informed of my globetrotting adventures later in the year. Firstly I wanted to use the name Travelling Matt (or Uncle Travelling Matt or Uncle Matt), who as everybody knows is the fraggle with the white moustache who spends his time exploring 'outer space' - unfortunately this was taken as was just about every other name which I attempted to use. My thoughts then turned to the most random name that I could think of in order to secure my site.

This was the name of one of the best meals I have ever eaten, one one of the best holidays I have ever had, translated by one of the worst translators you could think of.....


Whit said...

Your brother paid me 5 bucks to come over here. What is that in pounds?

Nice blog though, no matter what Dan says. Have fun on your journey!

Kristina said...

Mmmmmm. Rabbit raisins reminds me of rabbit poo.

Seriously though I also love to travel so I'll be following along. I tend to comment to the point of mild annoyance - just ask your brother. Fair warning.