Tuesday 26 June 2007

Undignified Poses

This is a picture that my friends Fu and Tom thought would be funny to put up on Facebook, after putting my life in extreme danger by switching on a camera phone mid flight!! Anyhow, when they posted the picture, little did they know that I had taken a photo of them (albeit with Fu rather in the background) on the outgoing flight! Bwa ha ha!

I have since come to the conclusion that sleeping on an aeroplane is perhaps the most undignified thing you can do (bar snoring whilst sleeping on an aeroplane), or at least I cant think of anything else to match. Anyhow, here is the revenge photo...


Anonymous said...

i love it that the photos of valencia are just us sleeping on a plane! also loving the title of your blog sam!


Sam said...

Fu, you have to go to the Archive for June to see all of the other photos. There are more I promise...