Friday 20 July 2007

Is the world ending? Cos my feet are really wet!

Another British summer day, another series of flash floods, severe weather warnings and damp trousers. The ludicrously wet weather (and the lack of any kind of summer) we have been having recently would be extremely depressing and might bring on a case of the old SAD were it not for the fact that I will soon be abandoning this sinking country for much warmer climes!

I have to say that a very small (yet overly sadistic) part of me thinks it is good that London recieved the brunt of the torrential rain this time round. It seems to me that when it flooded in the North of England and uninteresting places like Doncaster and Hull (and even Sheffield) were ravaged by floodwater, it only appeared to be the local MPs and regional news teams that paid any real attention. I think that the significance of the fact that Sheffield had its wettest month EVER (not wettest June month) last month has gone largely unheeded.

As others have said, no scientist in their right mind would claim that this was clear evidence of Climate Change, but we are more likely to experience weather events like this in the future. Hopefully with the floods today hitting upmarket towns in London the politicians that actually make real decisions will sit up and take notice.

Seriously though, I have heard the term "its proper end of the world rain this" banded around by people as notoriously un-PC as Chris Moyles in the last month or so. It reminded me of my A level Geography classes on Malthusian Theory which suggests overpopulation leading to mass catastrophe from preventable diseases, political unrest, food production issues (general bad things that can be greatly influenced by things such as climate change and oil and water shortages). The predicted date of the start of catastrophe was before the year 2000, I reckon he forgot to carry the 8 and it was actually June 2007.

...on the up side I managed to get loads of dicount gear for my Australia trip from a flooded outdoors shop! Bonus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the relocation. It's one of my "places I'd love to live." But, I got caught up in the whole family thing... so no more living dangerously.

Now. How can we offset the carbon footprint on that long flight?! :)