Thursday 5 July 2007

Trekking through the High Tatras (Poland - Part one)

Just got back from my Atkin expedition accross the high Tatras. I have to say it is one of the best trips I have ever taken! It had everything from danger, exertion and fatigue to pampering, posh hotels and relaxation.

We began our expedition with a two hour flight followed by two hour minibus journey to the town of Zakoplane in southern Poland. From here we had a two hour uphill slog to the first of our mountain huts (see right). Being the mountain hut virgin that I am (and gathering all of my information from Lucy's tall tales of previous Atkin holidays, I was expecting something resembling a lean-to shack crossed with a portaloo. What I got however was a stone build lodge type building with a large dining area and a 6 bed room - which led me to thinking "who the hell carried all of the stones up here?" Overly pleased with our first day of hiking we indulged in a beer or two (something which I would later regret (and then repeat).
The first full day of hiking perhaps brought with it the largest of the challenges. From our mountain hut on the Polish slopes of the Tatras, we had to make our way over the summit of the mountain (see left!) down into the next valley and the next hut. However what we didnt note on the map was a series of small circles olong the pathway, each one representing a particularly steep part of the mountain which has has "chains" attached to it for hauling yourself up narrow walkways and slippery rock faces each one almost equal in danger and difficulty as the "climbing frame of death"! Normally this wouldnt be so much of an issue, but the 12-15kg backpacks we were hauling made it one! After lugging ourselves up a number of the chains (and after our fair share of panics and tantrums) we stopped to take stock. And then the hailstones came down! Added to this Nick (Lucy's brother) dropped a sleeping bag down the slope (luckily landing on the path! Anyway despite the odds we pulled out our safety gear (luckily provided by eager climber Holly - Lucy's sister) and battled on. Tempers were frayed and a couple of members of the team had to be hauled up by their ailing bones but eventually we got to the top.

We were greeted by some spectacular views of the glacial tarns on both sides of the mountain which was our reward! The excitement of our success perhaps went to my head a little as I tried to persuade a few of the weary hikers to attempt the ridge trail (with a number of additional "small circles" on the map apparent). Having succeeded in persuading Lucy and Holly, we set off in persuit of our new trail. This was short lived however as the weather began to close in once more and we had to abandon our mission. According to Lucy this makes me equally as crazy as the Atkin clan, though I think I have a little more work to do to fully earn my badge.

The rest of the day was spend working our way through mist and fog to the second of our huts (almost as glamorous as the first bar the tens of homeless walkers camped in the corridoors and the cess pit like squat toilets). The next day unwashed and unshowered (we felt that not using the facilities may be more hygenic) we passed down into the next valley and accross into Slovakia which I will save for another blog....

....mainly because I dont have the pictures yet!
Comments from the Atkins welcome.


Anonymous said...

Sam this looks absolutely great - not that we will be actually doing any sort of walking like this, but good to see and I have already put Aquacity in our holiday favourites for future reference. We look forward to following your great adventure and wish you well.

Sam said...

Thanks for posting. IU'll try to keep it all up to date. Aquacity is a must if you happen to be in north east Slovakia!